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In a time before you were fearless
While your doubts were still with you
You were always playing catch up

Back then the unfolding was happening
Without your awareness of it
Then you decided to let go

As soon as you let love have its way
To become a devotee to the art of allowing
Your life changed, and real time unfolding began

Instead of fighting the past or the present
By accepting the journey so far as perfect 
By loving who you are, then peace entered

Being conscious in the moment
Of your life, of all that brought you here
Enabled you to see your purpose in real time

Letting go, sounds like your foundation has gone
But it is in the accepting that you're secure that
The real time unfolding becomes your experience


    Barnabas England is a Confidence Companion that lives in North-East Derbyshire in the UK. He has...
