It's not easy to let go! When you've organized your outcomes, well at least attempted to organize your outcomes, all your life; then the idea of trusting in a force you can't see, living entirely by faith; well it seems like a metaphor for "traveling by the seat of your pants!" Yet the alternative is more of the same and, after all, how has that turned out for you so far? Being the captain of your own ship isn't all it's cracked up to be, is it?
Letting go of the strings that pull your own life seems on the face of it to be a foolish thing to do; but when the alternative is trusting God/source energy/the higher self maybe it's the wisest thing you could ever do? It's going to need you to become more prayerful, more meditative, so that you can hear the inner voice more clearly, but it will be worth it! Your life will open up and take you in directions that you've never dreamed of.
Yes, throw yourself out into the deep! The one who knows you, better than you know yourself, is ready to help! That help has always been readily available to you, but it would never force itself upon you, it has always needed for you to ask! Will you ask for help and then trust in the answers you receive, act upon them by faith, and begin to work with the infinite on your life? Love awaits you once you enter the state of grace!
Have you considered what are the lessons of your life, so far? Remember the benevolent force would never insist that you receive help, but there may have been gentle nudges along the way? If you agreed with the statement: "Life is happening for you, not to you!" You might then ask what is life teaching me? What can I learn from this? Go on, open up to the possibility of letting go and letting love have full sway, and see what happens!
I'm scared, I hear you say; but love will do you no harm, I reply! I'm not sure I believe what you believe, you say; well suspend your disbelief long enough to find out if what I'm saying is true! I may alienate myself from my friends and family, they probably won't understand the actions I end up taking, if I let go; especially if they choose not to let go themselves. It's your life my friend, surely you should do what you want with that life?
The dialogue above may seem strange, but it is one I have been having with myself for a while. When I returned from my retreat at the beginning of October I thought I was ready to let go, or may have already let go. However, since then I have begun to prevaricate. I had made such wonderful progress but now I feel myself moving away from the edge, I know I must not back track, that the only way is forward, but I am holding back.
It's strange, really strange, when I was so close and so ready, entering the state of grace seemed such a sensible thing to do. I saw such benefits in letting go, but what I know again seems preferable to what I don't know. Even when I still believe that the one who holds the future, lives in me and wants the best for me. After all being in control hasn't worked out as well as I thought it would. Oh what is the point of procrastinating!
Throw caution to the wind! It's time to take a running jump and throw myself off the edge, see where it takes me. To throw myself into the everlasting arms of love, to trust, to have faith and to believe in one who wants the best for me. What have I got to lose? I have lived to the age of sixty-six and whilst some of my closest contemporaries haven't got this far, maybe I owe it to them to go where they didn't go?
If you feel inspired by my words, if you are someone who would, like me, like to let go and enter the state of grace, to allow the great faith you have inside your heart to transform your life. If you'd like to end a fearful existence and enter a joyous path filled with miracles please send me a personal message. Join me, become one who lives by faith! Faith is the remedy to fear, our lives will be so much better when you and I embrace it!
Written by Barnabas England 20th November 2023
Barnabas England is a Confidence Companion that lives in North-East Derbyshire in the UK. He has...