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If you were to believe the media, we all go from one devastating crisis to another. At best the media would have us all focus on the things that have or are going wrong, giving a false perception of the state of the human world; and at worst the media might be accused of an editorial spin, that favours doom and gloom, because it keeps your attention, regardless of whether it's true or not.

And yet if I was to ask you to tell the story of your life, I know you would tell me of ups and downs, but by far, for the majority, the devastating crisis is something, that thankfully, we rarely encounter. I believe that our focus should be firmly set upon the things that go right in our lives, and in those down times we should be planning how we can pull ourselves and others out of our problems.

My Dad used to say to the teenage me, when I bemoaned the state of the world, and started to accuse his generation of making a mess out of running things: "The trouble with the young people of today lad, is that they know what is wrong with the world, but they don't know how to fix it!" Well, Dad, I have spent the last fifty years considering with the help of others what the fix might be.

Along with many others who intend to do what my Dad and some of his contemporaries did, I intend to leave the world in a better place than when we got here. There is a better way for humanity to be and therefore despite all the daily reported doom and gloom that surrounds us, I declare with much faith and belief - The beginning is near!

The power of love is about to brush aside all the fear based realities and a new day of kindness is about to arrive. It will be here once we realize how powerful we are. When we allow compassion to guide our decision making and work together in communities to provide for each other according to our needs, not wants. Greed will be at an end and the age of giving and receiving will dawn!

Written by Barnabas England on 28th March 2024

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    Barnabas England is a Confidence Companion that lives in North-East Derbyshire in the UK. He has...
