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What of the soul's path? What are you and I doing here? What is the meaning of life? I believe it is for each one of us to seek out our own way and to make whatever conclusions that may seem appropriate to us. Your journey here is your own investigation into existence, don't let any external influences end up defining you.

The concern I have is that in a cause and effect universe, each sovereign individual should be at cause in their own story, and it seems by far that this is not the case. Shining your light isn't just a privilege, but a requirement to have a life well lived. Each individual is here to add something to the whole, so please make sure you're playing your full part.

Take stock of your life, what unique set of circumstances have brought you to this point in your life? What wisdom have you gleaned on your walk that is worth sharing? The expression of your perceptions may be exactly what another human being needs to know so that they may add the clarity they need to negotiate the next step on their journey.

I have attended more than a handful of candlelit musical events recently. I have observed exactly what the magical beauty of a thousand individual sources of light flickering away in the darkness looks like. As each one of us shines our own light, the enlightenment of this dark world is inevitable. It's time for us to be at source in our own life's creation.

Are you ready to shine?


    Barnabas England is a Confidence Companion that lives in North-East Derbyshire in the UK. He has...
