Surrender to the isness
Let go, and let it be
Source energy is waiting
To set you fully free

Whilst you remain in the ego
And stay in your head
You're missing out on so much
And to spirit, you are dead

Surrender is a choice you make
It has to come from you
It's something never demanded
But it's the best thing you can do

When you open up to the power
That is greater than the I
Is when your life will flow
You'll begin to know the why

Why in each and every moment
The way will then be clear
Your life will overflow with love
It will be the end to fear

Cast your self into the deep
Jump now, don't delay
Surrender to source energy
At the start of each new day


Written by Barnabas England on 30th November 2023


    Barnabas England is a Confidence Companion that lives in North-East Derbyshire in the UK. He has...
