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The kingdom of heaven is in your heart
So the wise man said
But many seek a different kingdom
Which leaves human beings dead
The Prince of Peace made a stand
Declared a truth unheard
Thankfully it was recorded
In gods holy word

But as with all truth, it was twisted
To mean the opposite
And a gospel proclaiming love
Well, in the end we lost it
For preachers read the words
The meaning that's revealed
Becomes a reflection of a mind
That to no one should appeal

Goodness has been misconstrued
As something we were not meant to have
And those interpreting scripture
Would have us on a different path
To the one who said you enter
Through the narrow gate
That it's only by being childlike
You can put an end to hate

For the kingdom of our God
And of his Christ to arrive
For the kingdoms based on fear to end
For fear to end for all in this life
We must pray "Thy kingdom come!"
To our father who is in heaven
And open up our hearts to receive it
We must take that as a given


    Barnabas England is a Confidence Companion that lives in North-East Derbyshire in the UK. He has...
