Did you know we all create our own reality? It is a subtle creation whilst ever you or I are oblivious to what is going on. You may have heard of the word “awakening” used in connection with “awareness” and even “born again.” Until we accept, we are spiritual beings having a human experience, we do not have the space within us to consider the need for our own awakening. For we can see that we are spirits, none of it will make any sense.

So please, suspend your disbelief and see yourself as a spirit who lives in your human body. You are not your body, but something grander, greater, and more powerful than you ever imagined. You are a part of divinity with a calling, a purpose and you came here to this world to be an instrument of love, in fact you are love! If this were true, then as part of the divine reality would be created by you and not outside of you.

In quantum mechanics it has already been established through the double-slit experiment  something called the observer effect, which proves that the way things are seen affects the outcome of the experiment. I know this is something only proved at the quantum level and yet I assert the logic that how we view things changes them in our experience at least. In the duality there is a link between actions and outcome.

I believe it is a continuum, that the observer and what is observed is part and parcel of the same thing. As Henry Ford once said: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.” You affect the outcome of your life, through your expectations and thoughts! That’s why every world religion has faith as its cornerstone because what you believe to be true, is true for you! So, reality is what you say or believe it is.

To conclude, you have a choice, to believe what you are told to believe, or to create your own world. To let others, those we trust, maybe parents, family members, our friends, contemporaries, neighbours, work colleagues, bosses, the media, the government, or the legal system to create our reality, or we can create our own reality, by creating our own beliefs. I know it’s easier to be transported on the tide of the Zeitgeist, but …

How about it? Why not create your own reality, your own beliefs, follow your own dreams? Of course, you will be taken aside, and it will be your experience to be told what is best for you and not to follow the path you have decided to take. People who are, through their love and concern for you, projecting onto you their own beliefs, but sadly those beliefs are inherited, not actually their own. They want you to toe the line. 

As a little baby you and I arrived here, with no pre-conceived ideas. We were innocent, I believe we had chosen to forget where we were from and our purpose here, just to make the journey interesting. Then we were spoon fed the “reality” of this world, which we were only learned so we could unlearn it when the time for our own awakening came.  At the point of realisation, of transformation, we have returned to the reality of love.

I believe that being “born again,” the literal translation of that bible verse is “born from above”, means the time when we have our spiritual birth day in this life, is the day when we stop believing in the false reality of spoon fed nonsense and begin taking in our first knowing, first steps, first interactions with the reality from which we came from and this reality is eternal. So, its time to choose between realities, its over to you.

If you feel inspired by my words, if you are someone who would like to discover (yes, it's already there) more about the spiritual reality that awaits you inside your heart, the reality that will set you free to create your own world, please send me a personal message. It's time to choose your own path, from a place of love. To stop living in the fear of a false reality, because now a better world is going to be yours, if you choose it.

Written by Barnabas England 9th November, 2023


    Barnabas England is a Confidence Companion that lives in North-East Derbyshire in the UK. He has...
